Wednesday, July 23, 2008

First Time Lucky

I've never blogged before. It's a strange concept to send a piece of writing, a journal entry, something that means something to me, but not necessarily to you, out into the wide open space of The Internet.

But here I go...

I'm a romance writer. Uh-uh! Before you ask, nope, I'm not published - YET. But I intend to be. I'm actually right now (well not right now as I'm blogging right now) looking into the whole realm of agents. It's exciting. There are so many agents out there who want to have a squiz at my book. That is, if I can write an interesting enough query letter. I'm trying to nail it, hoo boy, am I trying.

I think I might finally be getting somewhere, but while I wait for my dear friend and fellow writer to get back to me on my 'query letter so far', I thought I'd finally bite the bullet and enter the strange world of blogging.

So, now I've done it.

I'd love to hear about other people's First Time. (At blogging of course!)

Drop me a line.


Unknown said...

Hi Riss,

Your book is great and going to do really well.

Love Nayth

Tracey O'Hara said...

Awe that is lovely. Kisses for your first time Riss - not a virgin anymore. :o)

Anyhoo - great first blog, better than my first time. I don't remember what I blogged about - but I am sure of was G awful.

See you again when I get back from SF.

Steve Stubbs said...

Your blog is fine. I am very good at critting everyone's query letters except my own, so if you want a crit on yours, mail it to me and I'll tell you what I think. But only if you want an honest opinion. The point is to get you published. If you are willing to hold forth on mine, lemme know and I will send it to you. For the life of me, I can't figure out if it is good enough or not.

I am not a romance writer, but from what little I know about it, the challenge is to make the story sound fresh and new in a world in which romance tends to be formula written. It certainly can be done, else Nora Roberts would not have sold 100m copies.

Good luck in any event.

Rissromance: said...

Thanks Steve!

Quick question. How on earth did you find my blog? I'm so new to all this, I don't know how people will possibly find me until I have my own website, so I'm very curious.

As for my query letter, sure, I'm more than happy for you to take a look at it. Also, feel free to send your's my way. As is obvious, I probably don't have a clue what I'm doing, but I might be able to offer a few pointers.

The biggest thing I've learned in my search so far is that individual agents and editors have varying and often really different ideas on how to query them.

But let's swap!

BTW, how do I send it to you? I found your blog, but no email address. You can contact me on
